Halloween Marshmallow Monster Eyes

The Tiny Funnel 
These brownie bite eyes are fast and easy to make- in keeping with my 10 minute Halloween crafts. You can make them with cookies or cupcakes but brownies are the best because each brownie is warmed and there is nothing better than gooey warm brownies.
The Tiny Funnel
  • Brownie bites (you can bake your own but if your short on time like me- just buy them at the store).
  • Regular size marshmallows
  • Gummies Life Savers
  • String licorice or Pull and Peel Twizzlers
  • Mini chocolate chips

Additional equipment:
A microwave
Oil (spray is the fastest)

Cutting marshmallows is sticky business- spray a little oil (or wipe it) onto the scissors before you start cutting and they will release longer. When the scissors get really sticky just wash them and start again.
The Tiny Funnel 
Lay out the Gummies Life savers on a plate and add a mini chocolate chip to each center hole, set aside.

The Tiny FunnnelSeparate lengthens of the licorice (or Twizzlers) and cut into 1" sections for the lashes; set aside.

Put up to 4 brownie bites on a microwaveable plate.

Cut marshmallows in half and add one half, cut side up, to the top of each brownie bite.


Microwave the brownie bites with marshmallows for 7 to 21 seconds until they puff up. I push stop and start after 7 seconds because my microwave reverses direction which I think makes them puff up more evenly. But micowaves vary in strength and speed...The Tiny Funnel
The Tiny Funnel Carefully remove the plate and squish the Gummies Lifesaver in the center then add the eye lashes.

The Tiny Funnel 
The Tiny Funnel 

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