Tea Candle Covers

Here are the candle covers we worked on this week based on our birds. It's so easy to make a complicated pattern if it's flat- much easier than on a round can. I can see making these for the 4th of July, Halloween and Christmas. I placed our design above the height of the can edge for one test; below the can edge and the light does not shine through (so I put the candle directly on the stump for the picture - candle wax everywhere, dah!)  I say- opt for the can and the design above the can edge.

"EZ Foil" oven rack liners (2 pack) with their edges cut off (adult job)
A sheet of fun foam
Push pin
Clear tape
Paper fasteners
Simple printed shapes- flowers, stars,snowflakes, bats, pumpkins etc. depending on the season 
Small low cans - tuna, chicken, chilis etc.
Tea candles or electric candles (never leave a lit candle unattended- right?

Wrap a piece of scrap paper around a short can and overlap about an inch. Remove the paper and trim it the height you want your cover. Place your design in the middle of the scrap paper, slightly above where the can edge would sit.

Place your design in the middle of the foil  (not to one side as we've done here in this picture).
Tape the paper to a piece of metal trimmed to the correct size.  
Lay the covered metal on top of a piece of fun foam on a protected surface (like a cutting mat) and use the push pin to poke holes to make the design.


Remember, you can peek under the paper or turn it over to look at the other side.
When you're finished poking, remove the paper (and/or add to the design).

Wrap the metal loosely (you will need a little wiggle room to accommodate the bottom paper fastener in the next step) around the can and tape it closed to hold the overlap.
Use an X-acto knife (adults job) to make 3 slits: about .5” from the top and the bottom and then one in the center (we started the slits with pin holes) of the overlap.


Poke the paper fasteners through the slits and spread the fasteners open inside to keep the metal ring closed.
Remove the tape.
Place over the tea candle in the can.
You could also make a giant tea candle and cover it.



  1. I remember doing similar projects as a kid in Spain. I would love to try making these. Thanks for sharing and inspiring :-)

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