Graham cracker BATS!

The Tiny FunnelBats! You can cut chocolate wafer cookies in half and stick them into anything and they will look like bats. This is a super fast treat that requires no cooking- a 10 minute snack.

The Tiny Funnel
I used the chocolate wafers as wings with last years doughnuts bats. I tested this current set up with chocolate graham crackers but then saw the Keebler Deluxe Fudge covered graham crackers hanging out in the grocery aisle nearby- a less “healthy” option but delicious.

Nabisco Chocolate wafer cookies
Keebler Deluxe Fudge covered graham cracker cookies or Chocolate graham crackers
Nut butter (I used peanut butter)
Red gel
Candy googly eyes- I found large and tiny (Wilton brand) googly eyes at Michael's - in white and RED! and multi colored ones at Joanne Fabrics.
I bought a crinkle cutter at a yard sale and it makes a fun cut but really a serrated knife will do the job. 
Tweezers- it’s hard to position the fangs without them if you don’t have tiny coordinated fingers.


      1. Cut the chocolate cookie wafer in half with the serrated knife (saw across).
      2. Use any broken bits to make 2 tiny triangle bat ears.
      3. Spread peanut butter on one side of the graham cracker.
      4. Position the wings and ears and then sandwich them in place with a second graham cracker.
      5. Add 2 gel dots for the eyes and a gel smile.
      6. Put the googly eyes on the gel dots, then add the sprinkles “fangs" with the tweezers.
      7. Set up a production line and you’ll have a plate of bats in no time!

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