Joyous New Year!

The Tiny Funnel
This is number 22 of the "make an ornament a day from what I have until December 24th" challenge I gave to myself on the 1stChristmas was hectic and I didn't get a chance to post this very simple pipe cleaner word.

We start school, start work, really start the New Year schedule tomorrow. The tree will come down on Wednesday and the long haul towards Valentines day begins. A lot of people I know choose a word for their New Year- I've decide mine is joy. Just joy.

I recently read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo and while I didn't do everything by the book- I have been asking myself - does this give me joy? as I hold up a stained shirt, a chipped plate and do-da gathering dust. And I'm taking that question a little further - activities, friends and work.

What gives you joy?

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