Glitter Letter Ornaments

The Tiny Funnel
It's the 3rd of  December and for today's easy ornament we're using the plastic magnetic letters that have been floating around the house for years. Somehow, they never were completely thrown away and have been holding up pictures and recipes on the refrigerator and hanging out in the drawer with the batteries.

Plastic (magnetic) letters
Mod Podge
Glitter(I prefer fine glitter)
1/2" screw eyes (or larger)
Small paper plates to catch the glitter
The Tiny Funnel
Make a hole with a  push pin.
Then either:
1. Enlarge the hole with screw eye (it's easier to grab and turn) or 
2. Add a small screw eye as a hanger.
Either way, the screw eye makes a great holder so you can cover the letter with Mod Podge and then add (i.e. pour) the glitter.
Allow to dry completely, then unscrew the big eye screw and thread a knotted loop through the hole to hang or leave the small screw eye in and add a hanger.
The Tiny Funnel
Maybe spell something on the tree? Merry Christmas! Or the kids names or initials? Or turn them into a garland message-Happy New Year!

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