Report Cover Christmas Ornaments

The Tiny Funnel
It took 3 generations to make today’s ornament. My mom is visiting from Oregon for the holidays and we made an ornament together that we thought was awesome but when my son saw it – he said, “that’s not dynamic enough”.

The Tiny Funnel
Now it’s dynamic! This ornament is made using report covers. I really like how the light plays with the overlapping colors. 
Cut the one rectangle (A) that measures 3.50” by 4”.
Make a .75” border inside and cut the inner rectangle out- discard (or save for another project).
Make two .25” slits in opposite corners.
Cut a second rectangle (B) that is 4.25” by 3.75”.
Make a .75” border inside and cut the inner rectangle out- discard.
Cut a 2.5” diameter circle.
Make two .25” slits on opposite sides of the circle.
Slip the circle into the the first rectangle (A) and fit the slits into the sides.
Slip the rectangle/circle combo inside the second rectangle (B) and fit the long sides into the corner slits.
Add a hole for hanging in one corner.
The Tiny Funnel

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