Rock On! Painted Rock People

Rock on! I say. 
For more than 13 years, I’ve worked at Family Fun Magazine in Northampton, MA as a freelance craft developer and stylist. As of August 15, 2015 the office relocated to NYC and the Northampton doors have closed. I’ve loved working with all the staff, editors and art directors there- it’s been a real pleasure and I’m so sad to see the office move.  It will be a huge change in my life (as well as for the 24 people who lost their full time jobs) but I’m looking forward to whatever happens next. 

Soooo--If you need a craft idea for a specific audience or a project tested for...your book? or want to collaborate on an adventure? Send me a message- I'm just sitting here painting rocks.

Painted Rock People
  • Rocks
  • Paint brush
  • Acrylic Paints
  • Fine tip Sharpie (black) 
  •  Fine tip Paint Sharpie (white)

  1.  Look for a variety of small rocks-long skinny ones make good arms and legs or use a wide long one and paint both legs on it.
  2. Paint the rocks-light colors will need several coats (or use white a base coat first).
  3. Allow the paint to dry completely-- then 
  4. Add details with the markers.

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