St Patrick's Day Ties

These ties were developed for a Valentines day project but I think they're great for St. Patrick's day (or the Fourth of July). You can make them regular sized or super size them. Here are the basic instructions with great thanks to my models below.

This is just a photo opp with our sweet dog Chester. 
He would never be left alone with the tie as he might try to chew it and that might make him very sick!

Duct tape
Sparkly material
Elastic cord

Bow tie/Hair tie: 
Slightly overlap two 7” lengths of duct tape onto the back side of the sparkly material.

Trim them to make a 6.5” x 3” rectangle

Trim the .5” leftover strip to 1.5” long and wrap it around the middle of the rectangle.

Gather the rectangle together in the middle then secure it in place on the back with a small piece of duct tape.

Thread an 18” length of elastic through the back loop and knot the ends.
Slightly overlap two 14” lengths of duct tape onto the back side of the sparkly material.
Trace around the template on the duct tape and cut the tie shape out.
Cut 18” length of elastic and knot the ends together to make a loop.
With the duct tape side up, fold the tie top over the elastic loop and secure in place on the back with a small piece of duct tape.
You can also make the ties over-sized!

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