3.14 π Pie Day T-Shirt

I made an easy Pi π day shirt this morning for Elliott to wear tomorrow to school in honor of 3.14 day.
It was just a quick project on a bleak cold day.

Deco Fabric paint pen


Wash and dry the shirt if it’s new just to get the sizing out.
Give it zip with the iron to make it easier to transfer the design.
Draw your own picture or you can use mine- it’s here on Google docs.
I recommend laying the design on the shirt to make sure everything fits.

Place a piece of cardboard or a paper bag - some kind of barrier inside the shirt between the front and back layers.
I transferred the drawing the old fashioned way-- rub chalk on the back of the picture, flip it over and then draw over the lines with a pencil- transferring the chalk onto the t-shirt.
I’d show you a picture of the chalk lines but it didn’t photograph well; just know that I could see it and you will too. I’d use white chalk next time (didn’t have any on hand).
Remove the paper design.

With the cap on- shake the pen.  Then remove the cap and depress the pen tip on an extra piece of paper to get the paint flowing. You might need to depress the pen repeatedly during the drawing/writing process.


When the paint is flowing – draw over the chalk lines.
Remember to recap the pen when you're done- it will dry out if you don’t.
After the pie drawing is dry- add the equation inside (I looked it up online) –obviously you can’t write ALL the numbers…...

Leave the pie end open and close it after all the numbers are written.


Go ahead and draw the design 2 times if it isn't as dark as you'd like it. I let the first layer dry for a few hours and then went over the drawing/writing a second time. 

The directions I found online said to allow the paint to dry over night, then lay a cotton cloth over the design and use an iron (with heat set to correct fabric setting) to apply heat evenly for 10 to 15 seconds to set the paint. But… I didn’t wait over night because I’m impatient like that sometimes.
Ready for Pi day!

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