8 Blogs that Rock

As an assignment for the Blog Boss blogging class I'm taking online with Holly Becker at Decor8 we've been asked to list 8 blogs that rock including 2 from our classmates.

I'm surprised by how consistent my choices are-- they're all blogs that have original content- none of them are a mish-mash of images taken from other bloggers decorating, fashion, cooking or crafting sites. Also-most of the blogs that I've chosen to put on my list of “blogs that rock” are written by hand makers; intimate blogs that are written by women who share their passions and their lives on the Internet.  I admire their courage, honesty and good design (though most are not designers). They write blogs that are visually stimulating, well organized and full of interesting content. 
They each have a very distinct and focused voice.

I'd like to start with the student blogs---

I keep coming back to the Making Home. I like the whole look; LOVE the content and the pictures are great. I really like her tutorials and how they are laid out.

And Gretchen Gretchen- I really like her photographs-they're clear and have a sense of intimacy and everything including the layout feels bright and clean.

These are the blogs draw me in on a daily basis.

Gabrielle's blog rocks because everything she does, she does well. She’s a mom as well as a designer and her photograph are beautiful and her DYI projects are great. But she also has guest writers, contests and it all comes together with joy.

Victoria’s blog is about celebrating and that’s why her blog rocks- it’s really clear with every image and every post that she has a goal of conveying her idea of merriment!  Her blog is very much a magazine style type blog. Her images are brilliant and colorful and her crafty tutorials are stunning. She produces her own content but also includes images from others but they always mesh naturally and are not forced. She does collection posts and lists but all in the name of merriment. It’s a business blog but it feels more personal than a business. 

Jessica Jones is a graphic and textile designer.  Her blog is always bright and fresh. Beside the excellent question to consider orange!-- she makes great projects, takes clear and well composed photographs (a must for tutorials)  and has a breezy writing style that’s not too personal but not too business (i.e. I don’t know what she had for breakfast).  She covers trends of all kinds but also applies that information to the things she makes and posts about so it’s a nice mix of design and craft. Also- she posts regualrly.

I’ve been reading Patricia’s blog for a while and watched as she has grown. She posts very regularly and interacts with her readers, asking for feedback and creating and posting based on that feedback. Her blog is always well designed with excellent photography. Her writing voice very clear – personal but on a mission to promote her business as she has finds her way from making simple paper designs to being a full blown paper designer. 

Alicia's blog is visually gorgeous (very cozy) and her writing voice is very intimate; the whole blog tone  is inviting and that’s why her blog rocks.  It really looks as if it’s an extension of her day to day life but seamlessly includes her business/craft at times.  Her writing makes me feel as if I’m in her living room (but not intruding) and gives a very personal view point of an extremely creative person. 

Maya's blog is another example of a blog that has a unique look and voice that is truly hers. Her blog rocks because she is fiercely honest and sincere; she take great pictures, her content is her own and her projects are all original. She has obviously puts care into the details--how her blog looks and functions is true to her vision and voice (down to the burlap buttons!).


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kimberly!
    Thank you for choosing me to your blog list. See you!
