Testing the Pencil idea

When I went to the paper store to buy a light weight paper (printed cardstock is too stiff), the sales woman questioned the validity of my idea- “who would want to spend time covering pencils in paper?”
Previously I'd bought some pencils at Anthropologie but they lack erasers and if you have to use a pencil (homework anyone?)– why not have it be really pretty or funny or delightful to use? I explained to her. How hard could it be to make my own?
I wanted to know-being a glue fanatic and all. I nixed the idea of using my Xyron which could do the job so easily and instead decided to try a glue (so if my friend Jodi wants to try it, she won’t say she doesn’t have a Xyron- just not enough time).
I found origami paper to be the perfect weight paper for wrapping around the pencils.
Here is what I’ve figured out:
Glue stick alone doesn’t hold.

Glue stick and Mod Podge – gets wrinkly. 

Mod Podge is fine but is messy and – well it’s messy.

Crafters Pick glue (a favorite glue for attaching everything to everything) –applied to the paper and the pencil separately, allowed to dry and then paper added the pencil (it’s like a nontoxic rubber cement) works great.

But the best is double sided tape- fast, easy, inexpensive, clean!

Regardless-the paper on the sharpened point rips a little – even on the pencils from Anthropologie.
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